Oh ya! And I have to officially introduce you guys to my NEWLY setup family tree. Ha-ha. On the very top of the family tree is my Minde YeYe with my two grannies namely Sxxxxx & Sxxxx, as well as some other concubines that he have. Followed after is my Alvin Papa and Lifang mummy. Lastly, myself who my Papa called me as Yumyum! Ha-ha.
Crash downtown with the rest again! Have our lunch at Seoul Garden with Alvin Papa, Lifang Mummy, Minde YeYe, Yuquan Neighbor, Xue Jiao Gan Ma, Quan Zhi Chef 2, Chee Yong Chef 1 and Joshua the Hokkien Mee chef. Ha-ha!
We have spent almost three hours inside Seoul Garden, eating and chitchatting. Despite some of the topics that Joshua mention are kind of R21, but all of us still have fun talking about it. Quan Zhi, Papa and YeYe who was sitting beside me were doing most of the cooking, while I was doing most of the eating. Ha-ha. 幸福 sia!
Btw, we have just found out that Poon is not such a bad cook after all. The chickens that he cooks taste really nice. Especially the one with egg, taste so much like hao jian. Yummy! Maybe he should seriously consider about starting up the Chicken Rice Business. Ha-ha!
Joshua’s Hokkien Mee was also not bad, however I don’t really know what he have added into the Hokkien Mee. But since I have no stomachache today, I think it is still edible. Ha-ha!
And I really have to mention this… Alvin Papa is so sweet los. I don’t know where he get the satay stick from, but he manage to come out with a stick of fruits for Lifang mummy los. So sweet right! Papa has show such a good example for me.

After the long and heavy lunch, the girls headed for some Neo Prints sessions at Cathay Cineleisure Orchard, while the guys were hanging around. Since I hardly get to go out with Papa ... so I kept pestering him for new toys the moment we step into a new store; unfortunately my plan didn’t work. As out of everything that I asked for, Papa already have one at home. I wonder if it’s real. Ha-ha. But after some pestering, Papa finally surrenders and bought for me a Winnie the Pooh Key Chain. So nice of Papa! Ha-ha. He even buys one for mummy too. This kind of Papa is just so hard to get nowadays.
Next, we headed ourselves to the Mind Café while Poon & his gang headed home. We have so much fun at the mind café! Hmmm… maybe I should let the pictures do all the talking…
Finally, we ended our day at Plaza Singapura for Dinner. Btw, Papa, I’m still waiting for you to show me the SKILLS that you have learned from YeYe. Hehe! And when can we go your house to stay overnight???
P.S. Promised to update the pics into the photobucket asap. =)
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