Our first NS gathering. An alliance between section one and two. Ga-ga! It's kind of wired to wake up without seeing you guys around, especially after going through three months of hardship together, i'm sure everyone share a special friendship with one another. Our gathering was located at Wei Wen's house with the companion of pizza, majong and winning eleven. As for me, i can't do neither of their activities so i ended up watching tv and talking to Wei Wen's parent. Ga-ga! Then everyone decided to stay over night since it's pretty hard to get a public transport from Wei Wen's house. And very soon i went into my lala land ...
mArk, SaiFul TurTle, mE
SaiFul TurTle & mE
MaRK & ReuBen
Dec 11 Friday
By now everyone is pretty sagged. And after breakfast most of us head back home to visit our lala land. But this wasn't my case...
wEi WeN, mE, ReuBen, AlAn, ConG, MaRk & FAng Rui
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