Preparation was carried out a month ago. All started with locating the rightful place for me to held my 21st birthday party. Despite i had located a few outlets and restaurant for my celebrations, but i end up forgoing every plans that i had and settled down with a home party instead. Only after going through the process of planning then i realized that planning a birthday party wasn't an easy job after all.
The night before, decorations was put up and everything was settled in their rightful places. And i have to specially thanks my IRAS pals (YanQin9, Lester, KhengLi and PuSheng) who had spent the extra effort in helping me to paint up all those deco. Especially YanQin9 and Lester who accompanied me to shop for all those items and sending me back home. Thanks PalS!
a couple ring that was specially brought for my parents
to be continue...
hope u enjoy your birthday celebration! =)
thanks gal! and thanks for all the help! greatly appreciate... but where's the thing u owe me? lol.
hahaha. its still wif mi leh. =p
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