Wake up extremely early for the day to rush through my daily routine. Soon I was found suffocated by the piles and piles of homework and project. Meeting up with deadlines seems to be a part of me now. Can life be more interesting?
Recently, everyone starts to get tricky with me in figuring out who's my “someone” is. But I'm really not in the mood in mentioning it. I know you guys really care about me, but I would appreciate if all these questioning could come to an end for the time being.
Feelings are such interesting things in life that brings you close, as well as bring you far.
- Right Here Waiting -
Dine in at Pepper Lunch today, together with my new god mother and great god mother. Ha-ha. Being unable to select on beef dishes, I have ordered Chicken Pepper, and that's considered costly to me. I'm broke le lah!

(my order... yummy)
(my god mother art piece... she seems more childish than me... Ha-ha)
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