Whenever I have a fully packed schedule, time always passes by without me knowing it. Today, I have spent my day working hard in house cleaning. Doing some packing and disposing of my notes which I have accumulated through out my polytechnic life. Believe it or not, it is really a lot! Furthermore, I still have my secondary books packed together. Thus, it was really a hard chore in categorizing them and deciding which were to be disposed off. But at least I have completed one section of my stuff in the house, and there are more to go. By the way, recently I’m engrossed in this song sang by 光良. The title is 烟火. Just feel that some parts of the lyrics are quite true. Sometimes, people just change without you knowing it. And they can change at the speed of fireworks. Perhaps that’s the cycle of life. Everything in this world is subjected to changes; maybe the only eternity object will be memory. Memories that you have of one another, the hardship and sweetness that was went through. Learn to treasure your memories.

(some of my notes that are going to thrown away)
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