Sunday, January 27


Currently, I’m in the process of regrets. Regrets for my actions! Regrets for my mindset! Regrets for being who I am! Regrets for not being who I’m not! I have thousands and thousands of regrets, which I wasn’t able to spell it all out.

Yesterday went crashing RP at 10pm. It is so cool, and RP is really a magnificent poly. Every part of it is enclosed with air-condition. It is just like a capsule or should I use the word Space Ship. I was like wowing from the start of the entrance to exist. It is damn cool! They even have a park just beside the school. The area was huge and it is sure a perfect place for star watching.

Unfortunately, this has worsened my regrets. Perhaps, if I haven’t selected NYP, I may be happier as compared to now. Well, I have to tell myself to stop thinking of all this complicated yet useless stuff! Time to go!

Saturday, January 26

I hate myself

I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself! I hate myself!


I'm sorry if i have cause you so much trouble.

Friday, January 25

twenty-four feb zeroeight

Red! Red! Ha-ha…

Just feel like jotting it down. Ha-ha.

Wednesday, January 23

悲しい . 幸福な

When I finally decided to give up, you wake me up. Just when I decided to devote myself, you give up. What are you thinking about? I seriously don’t know. If you really want to give up, I hope it will be like a forever decision, so as to reduce my pain. Seriously, I can’t always follow your footsteps. I need to live a life of my own too.

Ok, enough about the EMO part. Let’s talk about something more happening. A new baby is coming to my house. I’m so delighted! Wohoo. Finally, some one who I can talk to and play to after my dar dar went home. Miss her so much! Hopefully, I will be able to see her during CNY. Ha-ha.

Sunday, January 20


Don’t really have the mood to do any thing today, despite knowing the fact that I have quite a lot of thing left undone. Ha-ha. I have ordered the KFC Golden Feast today. Yummy Yummy! But if there is only two of your eating, I would say “please don’t order it”, because you will get damn full lor, just like me. Ha-ha. While enjoying my delicious meal, I manage to catch my all time favorite drama 还珠格格I again. Thanks to my neighbor who has kindly lend me the VCD. I know it is like a decade since it was last shown on TV, but I’m still touch by the story line. Nice Nice! Especially the close friendships they have! The willingness to sacrifice oneself for the one they love, be it their friends, family or their loves one.

Saturday, January 19

when I grow up

I remember when I was a kid; I had always told myself that when I grow up, I would want to be a lawyer. A lawyer who would ascertain, sustain and peruse the peace and integrity of the world. Unfortunately, as all of you know, my English is CMI. Thus, during secondary school life, I have decided to drive through a new route in my life. That is to become a scientist! Ha-ha. So I actually took up pure science studies during my secondary school life. However, upon graduation I came to realize that sciences are really not my type. So I came up with a new ambition, to be a teacher. A kindergarten teacher! Since I have been dealings with kids since the day when I was born, I guess I have the capabilities to deal with the kids in school. Ha-ha. But this course is only offered in the far far away NP. So I made a choice of going into one of the safest and popular route in life that is to be an accountant in NYP, which I kind of regret now. Ha-ha. And currently, I’m thinking of becoming a designer, DJ and even psychologist. But all this are just dreams lah! As of now, I’m kind of lost in my life!

Thursday, January 17



我和你 总形影不离
每一天 有说不完的事情
聊 彼此的秘密分享最远的梦境
当你有心事 需要透透气
像 蓝天和白云
你天灰 我变乌云
我和你 手牵手一起
就不怕 有多少风雨
我和你 无数的四季
笑和泪 灌溉坚定的友谊
当我有委屈 需要打打气
像 蓝天和白云
我天灰 你变乌云
la la la ...
看 未来风景

Sunday, January 13

200 磅美女

I know I’m considered slow, but I have only catch 200 pounds beauty today. A pretty nice movie indeed, one that involves fulfilling your dreams and finding loves. A sense of comedy was also injected through out the movie. Finally something that makes me laughs. Highly recommended movie if you have not watched it. In fact, in real life a lot of people also judge a book by its cover. They never look in depth to find out the good and bad of a person. That’s the biggest mistake of human. And I guess we should always learn to look at a person or even a situation from the different aspects. As you never know how a person really is until you came into contact with them. And maybe even after years of interactions, you may not even know him or her true self yet.

Friday, January 11


What does that suppose to mean by offering me such a look? Do you know how much I have suffered just by looking at you? I guess you may not know. But you are the one. I’m just so sick and tired to think from your point of view. Thanks to fuzzy, I have managed to make a pause to all these unhappiness at least for a few hours. Thanks for your accompany! Despite we do nothing. But at least you are there to listen to my craps. Truly appreciate.


Yes, the time now is 1.52am. And I’m still online. All thanks to the BELOVED audit project. I’m so tired, yet I can’t afford to sleep. Reason being there are more things to do before the completion of the report, which will be submitted in less than 15 hours later, that is like today evening los. And we have just noticed a wrong part that may need to be redone. What news? Ha-ha. My mind is dead and I’m going lunatic.

Tuesday, January 8


Seriously, I’m hurt! Your actions and speech really hurts me. Can you at least consider how I feel? Perhaps you didn’t mean it that way. But it seems to me that you are just hurting me. I’m just frustrated and vexed about all these. When I’m down, the least you could do is simply crack a joke to cheer me. But you chose not to. Perhaps, I’m just not that important to you. All these really heat me up. However, after a while, come to think of it, I just can’t bear to lose my temper at you. I have lost in the battle again.

Sunday, January 6

2007 Happening

The happenings I had in 2007. The Joy. The Fun. The Sadness. Thank you guys for making 2007 a joyous one for me. Truly appreciate! And I will remember you guys. See you guys around! SHE! (Stay Happy Everyday)

Saturday, January 5


A meaningful article that I have received via mail ...


丈夫 有时,他是你最大的孩子,脱下西装后,容许他换一张脸容,许他老是关不住牙膏盖子.....容许他老是你的暗示下才记得你的生日,其实,在他坚强的外表下,他的内心也需要你小小的纵容与溺爱。

妻子 换个角色做做看,是否你要求她的是否要求妈妈一样理所当然,偶然,换你拿起奶瓶,偶然,换你穿上围裙,柴米油盐之外,多给她一点体谅、关怀和甜言蜜语。

孩子 他的小手将来是怎样的大手?要求他成绩单上的数字,也教他欣赏大自然的法则,鼓励他必须坚强,也要他有一颗柔软的心,和他说话,不止用到嘴也用到耳,在他长大之前和他站得一样高看世界。

父母 珍惜,在来得及的时候,孩子的哭声总比父母的叹息得到更多的疼惜,你不会忘记孩子放学的时间,去忽略父母盼你回家的殷切,物质弥补不了精神的寂寞,最重要的是,多一点时间给父母。

手足 stand by me 站在我这边,以为爸爸对哥哥偏心一点,妈妈对妹妹疼爱一些,其实,手心手背都是肉,血浓于水的亲情,总在最需要的时候,他们就会站在我这边。

情人 爱有多少,付出也要有多少,爱情不是单行道,他(她)的好更不是理所当然,生气时,想想他(她)的可爱,抱怨时,想想他(她)的委屈,冷战时,想想他(她)的温暖,两人都懂得付出,爱就会久远.......毕竟,真心相爱并不容易,不要轻言别离,送心爱的人回家,那里都顺路。

Wednesday, January 2


First entry for a brand new year, coupled with a mixture of feelings. Wonder what will happen in the future. Whether everything will remain as it is. Time subject a person to change, the environment to revolutionize, friends to leave. That’s the impact of time, and the fact faced in life. Nothing in this world is meant to be forever. People usually remind us to treasure life, and to remain cheerful. But how many could really do it? Not many, I guess. For most people, only when they experience a loss, they will then start to treasure it. But isn’t it too late? That’s a contradiction that humans have. And I am really loss. Suffocate in life.