Sunday, October 24


"At the end of the day, when it comes down to it, all we really want is to be close to somebody. So this thing where we all keep our distance and pretend not to care about each other, it’s usually a load of bull. So we pick and choose who we want to remain close to, and once we’ve chosen those people, we tend to stick close by. No matter how much we hurt them. The people that are still with you at the end of the day, those are the ones worth keeping. And sure, sometimes close can be too close. But sometimes, that invasion of personal space, it can be exactly what you need."

—Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy

Credit: handwritingonthewall

Wednesday, October 20

True Understanding

There are times where i feel that a person was moderately ok to be friends, but after working with them through projects and assignments, I realize that my assumption was wrong, seriously some of them really sucks to the max! On the other hand, people who i hate and thought that we would never be friends turn out to be Awesome project mates and buddies! Well, perhaps my ability in differentiating still need to be improve on. SCREW to those Awful Project Mates!

Tuesday, October 5


"The truth is, everybody is going to hurt you, you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for."

Saturday, October 2


I need some drugs to keep myself alive. It's been kind of depressing since I stepped into school. Tons of homework are still piling up while extensive projects kept adding on. My time management have been going head wire. Screw all the exams and school work!

Anyway I know that I should not be complaining since I'm the one who put myself into such a situation. But still this is really damn tiring. I need a break. Despite this week is so called "Mid-Term Break", but yet there are so much of unfinished workload that I got to settle within this week.

So much for calling it a break?!