Saturday, September 5

Dance Flick

Yesterday, Wei Kiang and I manage to squeeze in a time slot from our busy shopping schedule to catch Dance Flick. However, we kind of regret after watching it. Despite some part of the film are pretty hilarious, but most of it are kind of lame! Dance Flick is a 2009 American parody film. It is a spoof of the popular dance film genre. The plot : A suburban girl named Megan White (Shoshana Bush) gets into a series of misadventures when she moves to the inner-city and pursues dance. A nerdy street boy named Thomas (Damon Wayans, Jr.) is passionate about street dancing, but he is stuck working for a hungry obese gang lord who only loves food. Megan later befriends Thomas' ghetto sister Charity who has a baby but also poor parenting skills. Charity has her own issues dealing with her dimwitted "baby daddy" who also is a bad parent. Once Megan and Thomas spend more time together, they become dance partners and begin to fall in love and start dating.

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